Here at OBT, Sangha members are working hard to make the upcoming ObonFest a fun filled day. We hope you can come join us on Saturday, August 5th!
Here is the link to our Obon Main Page, where you can get information on how to get Lanterns, or if you want to volunteer, what Food we are having at the festival, Dance tutorials, etc.!!!

Did you know that other Northwest District temples are holding Obon Festival this summer too? - and that they are all so much fun to go to!? We dance to some of the same songs, but each temple bring different feel to their Obon Festivals. Maybe you'd like to visit some of them this summer!!
Idaho Oregon Buddhist Temple: http://www.iobt.org/

Seattle Betsuin Buddhist Temple: https://seattlebetsuin.com/

Spokane Buddhist Temple: https://www.spokanebuddhisttemple.org/

Tacoma Buddhist Temple: http://www.tacomabt.org/

White River Buddhist Temple: https://www.wrbt.org/

Yakima Buddhist Church (Yakima Buddhist Church: https://www.facebook.com/yakimabuddhi...) is not having Obon Fest, please check their website for other fun events!
So this summer, come to our Obon Fest, but maybe plan to visit other Obon Festivals too if you're nearby!!