Last week, we had our in-person Obon Festival after a couple of years of online ones.
And wow, was it a fun day!!!!
People worked SO hard for months in prior, figuring out how to hold a fun and safe Obon Festival. There were many changes from previous Obon fests, as we wanted the festival to be a safe experience for everyone. The amazing Obon Chair Marilyn worked tirelessly, constantly working and coordinating this past year. She was the wonderful lead behind the super successful Obon, together with other awesome and energetic volunteers!
Here are some of the preparing part of Obon -- and this is only a tiny tiny fraction of it!!!
The temple kitchen was bursting with preparation of all the festival food -- the clean up prior to set ups, putting out the tents and blocks, etc.
And then the ObonFest started!
It was a gorgeous day! (a bit on the hot side, but gorgeous!)

Inside the Hondo, Rev. Sugahara gave Obon Dharma Messages. There were also showing of some of the videos from our District Convention. One side of hondo was dedicated to the beautiful calligraphy works by late Judy Yamauchi.
In the basement were Kimono Sale and Omiyage Store, full of beautiful kimonos and things!
Outside, we had LOTS of great food, from tasty yakisoba, cool somen, cute cucumbers on a stick, and so much more! And shaved ice -- a tasty lifesaver in the heat!!

Children's Corner got more areas and more games this year, and attracted a good number of kids and kids at heart! There were games and puppet shows (Story of Obon), and all the volunteers made it so much fun!
There were entertainment throughout the afternoon outside, too. Nichibu dance, Portland Taiko, Oubukan Kendo Demonstrations, and Flower arrangement demonstrations!
And then, we danced!!!!
Led by Chris Sensei, we danced till it got darker.
It was a busy but fun Obon.
We honor the deceased on Obon, and we enjoyed the community that surround us by celebrating Obon.
Come to our next Obon if you have not this year!
And come again, if you were there!!
and to everyone who helped out, and participated,