On Sunday, January 16th, we will have the Joint Hoonko Service by BCA Northwest District Ministers Association, premiering at 10am Pacific Time. We will be welcoming Rev. Estuko Mikame, from San Jose Buddhist Church Betsuin, as our guest speaker. Please remember that Joint Services will be on YouTube Channel of NW District Ministers Association, and not on OBT channel. We hope to see you there then!!
Saturday of that week, 22nd will be our Hoonko Seminar by Rev. Blayne Higa. It will be a live seminar using Zoom -- please check the Hoonko page of our website for more information! Rev. Higa is a wonderful speaker, and we cannot wait for this opportunity to learn from him! Please join us on Saturday, January 22nd, at 11am Pacific Time via Zoom.

We hope your new year is going well so far -- with good health and warmth.
Please take care!