We had our First Virtual Obon on Saturday, August1st!
Thank you to everyone who made it possible, and Thank You to everyone who participated!
It was a very unique experience, to dance together via Zoom and YouTube!
If you have missed it, here is the morning Obon Service (with commemorative lanterns).
Next summer, let's dance together again!
Are you hungry for more Obon Dance!? Buddhist Churches of America is hosting Virtual Obon Dance on August 15th at 6pm! Click on the flyer below, and register for the Zoom link!
Our Benefit Concert Fundraiser, originally planned for August, is being delayed. It will be delayed a bit, but we know it's going to be really good! Please check back on us for more information.
OBT is staying active as safely as possible. Our Sunday Services are aired mostly by our resident Minister Yuki Sensei and the Minister's Assistant Ken. The daily morning services are solely done by Yuki Sensei. The meeting are done remotely and so are the Buddhist classes. If you are interested in the Buddhist Study Class by Yuki Sensei, please send an email to ysobtportland06012017@oregonbuddhisttemple.com for details.
BCA has some lectures and events coming up, and below are some of their flyers. Please go to https://www.buddhistchurchesofamerica.org/ for more details and registration.
Please stay safe, to enjoy your summer.
Namo Amida Butsu.