Portland has been having gorgeous weather,
and the trees are full of beautiful blossoms!
We hope you have been able to enjoy the Springtime where you are!!
Rev. Koyama will be at Oregon Buddhist Temple on
Saturday, March 30th. He will be giving Hanjusan Chanting Seminar from 11am!!
On Sunday, March 31st, Rev. Koyama will lead Ohigan Special Service from 10am.
Sunday, April 7th is our Hanamatsuri Service also with Rev. Koyama. The service will be followed by potluck! Please bring a dish to share! :-)

Sunday, April 28th is our Spring Food Bazaar.
This will be a pick up only event, for pre-ordered food. Please place your orders by April 21st. Spring Food Cooking Team has come up with delicious dishes! Please support the temple by placing orders of the delicious food!!! All sales of Inari Sushi from our Spring Food Bazaar will go to Seattle Restoration Fund.