On Sunday, December 4th, Portland had the first significant snow of the season!
It was a cold morning, but a beautiful one.
This Sunday Service was dedicated to honor past three temple presidents who have passed away recently : Al Abe, Ken Kawazoe and Herb Osaki.
Mark, Marilyn, Dr.Al and Ken (standing in for Cathy) talked about their memories with the three men who were vital forces in building Oregon Buddhist Temple. Etsu's piano made the service even more special, solemn and sweet.
Reverend Sugahara's Dharma message was about appreciation to past and present Sangha.
If you have missed it, here is the video on our YouTube channel! (and please don't forget to subscribe to our channel!!)
Upcoming Services and Events
Saturday, December 10th
6pm Bodhi Day Evening Service
Sunday, December 11th
10am December Shotsuki Memorial Service
Sunday, December 18th
No Sunday Service, but come help us make MOCHI!!!!