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April Newsletter is Here!


This picture is the temple cherry flower buds as of March 25th, 2021 -- they are getting rounder, and slightly more pink each day! There are daffodils, camellias, pieris, and little bit of hyacinths blooming around the temple building!

Spring adds so many beautiful colors to the temple gardens!

Speaking of Spring, our April Newsletter is now up on our website:

The April issue starts with Rev.Sugahara's thoughtful Dharma message, followed by many things going on at the temple. Please check it out for information on Buddhist Study Class, Dharma Exchange, Dharma School, OBWA, and more. The Newsletter also introduces a couple of Buddhist writings with each issue!

Newsletter is one of the great ways to stay connected to the temple.

Please stay in touch, please come to our online services and events, as we all try to stay safe and patient.


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(503) 234-9456


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