We hope you have been able to catch the presentations of the 74th Annual NW District Convention that has been going on this week!
Rev. Peter Hata from Higashi Honganji Los Angeles Betsuin shared a very interesting and thought provoking keynote speech at the Opening Service last Sunday, September 12th.
and each day of this week, we were very fortunate to be able to feature amazing speakers who all shared their perspectives on Appreciation, Realization and Transformation of Buddhist Way of Living.
Tapping on The Bell Of Silence, by Kim Stafford.
The Art of Shinjin, by Rev. Ko'e Umezu.
Seeing is Believing, by Brian Koichi Mizushima.
Relocation, Race, Love, And Revolution, by Nobuko Miyamoto.
Buddhism and ART (in Japanese), by Rev. Yuki Sugahara.
Each of the presentations were very different, as all the speakers come from different background and have different stories to tell, and yet, after listening to them, they all made you think about Buddhist way of appreciating / realizing / transforming life. If you have missed their presentations, please take a moment to listen to their beautiful presentations!
Saturday, September 18th is a Zoom Day of the Convention. Links to the live events will be sent to the registrants. If you have registered, you should be (if not already) getting the link information from Convention Committee. :-) We hope to see you at one or at more of the events!!
Sunday, September 19th is the Closing Service of the Convention. Rev. Sugahara will be giving a Dharma message to wrap up our first try at this virtual convention.
We hope you can join us at 10am PST!