Hoonko Special Service, the memorial service in honor of Shinran Shonin, was held on January 19th this year. The service was conducted by our resident minister, Rev. Sugahara and our guest minister, Rev. Henry Adams from San Mateo Buddhist Temple. Rev.Adams was also the guest speaker for our Hoonko Seminar the previous day.

The service started with the melodious chanting of "Shuso Sango Saho." For a couple of months, OBT Chanting Club had been practicing this beautiful chant under the guidance of Rev.Sugahara.

"Shuso Sango Saho " is a musical chant -- it is composed of Shinran's Wasan and Shoshinge. Towards the end of Wasan rendition, paper petals are delicately tossed in the air.
Rev.Adams shared his Dharma message to the Dharma School, and then to the grown ups. Check our Youtube video if you missed it! Or would like to listen to again! We are so fortunate to have amazing ministers who share their Dharma through their wonderful and talks.
After the special service, Sangha was treated to generous bowls of warm and delicious soba noodles downstairs, prepared by OBWA and January toban team. As always, the noodles were amazing, and made everyone happy!
Upcoming events and happenings at OBT
Jan. 22 (Wed) 7-8:30pm Buddhist Study Class (Temple annex)
"Reading The Three Pureland Sutras"
2nd and 4th Wednesdays of the month!
Feb.9 (Sun) Nirvana Day Service, followed by Vegetarian Potluck
Bring a vegetarian dish to share during the potluck!
Do you have a photo of your loved pet who have passed away? Send
the photo to be included in the slide show that Dharma School students are
putting together! Deadline to submit is February 2nd. ( ann@hoonko.com )
Feb. 21-23 NW District Convention in Seattle
Click HERE for registration