On Sunday, January 24th, NW District Ministers Association will be holding a joint Hoonko Service.
Service Program
1. Opening Remarks: Rev. Jim Warrick
2. Chanting of Jusan: Rev. Yuki Sugahara
3. Chanting of Nimonge: Rev. Katsuya Kusunoki
4. Chanting of Nembutsu & Ekoku: Rev. Tadao Koyama
5. Reading of the Threefold Refuge: Rev. Jim Warrick
6. English Dharma Message: Rev. Jerry Hirano 7. Japanese Dharma Message: Rev. Koho Takata
Buddhist Churches of America Northwest District are:
Idaho Oregon Buddhist Temple: http://www.iobt.org/​
Oregon Buddhist Temple: https://www.oregonbuddhisttemple.com/​
Seattle Betsuin Buddhist Temple: https://seattlebetsuin.com/​
Spokane Buddhist Temple: https://www.spokanebuddhisttemple.org/​
Tacoma Buddhist Temple: http://www.tacomabt.org/​
White River Buddhist Temple: https://www.wrbt.org/​
Yakima Buddhist Church: https://www.facebook.com/yakimabuddhistchurch/
Please join us at 10am, for the joint Hoonko Service on NWDMA YouTube channel!