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Art is happening ! at Dharma School.

OBT Sangha is full of talented people in many fields. On two Sundays this fall, Beth, who is a professional artist, sat down with Dharma School students, to teach them how to work on human portraits. After a power point presentation on what portrait drawings are, and how human faces are composed, Beth helped students practice draw portraits of some famous Buddhist figures.

This is part of a project that OBT Dharma School aims to achieve this year -- to have a collection of Portraits of Notable Figures in Pure Land Buddhism, drawn by the students. Each student will "adopt" one notable figure, will study about the person, and then create an art piece of him / her.

The list of Notable figures had been suggested by Reverend Yuki at the start of this Dharma School year :

Shyakamuni Buddha, Nagarjuna, Vasubandu, Tan-luan, Tao-cho, Shan-tao, Genshin, Genku (Honen), Shinran Shonin, Rennyo Shonin, Kakushinni, Eshinni, Prince Shotoku, Takeko Kujo, Rev.Shozu Wakabayashi, and Sangha.

The students are just starting, but please stay tuned for future art creations of "Pure Land Notable Figures" by them!! And thank you Beth, for sharing your talent!


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