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April Newsletter is Here!

Lots of spring flowers are blooming in the temple garden, and the leaves of the trees are getting bigger each day. Nature is full of positive Spring energy!

I hope you are staying well as you read this. The physical facility of Oregon Buddhist Temple will be closed till at least April 19th, but we will have many ways to stay connected and to appreciate Dharma -- we have monthly newsletter, we have virtual Sunday Service (Sundays at 10am, on our Youtube channel! Come listen to Rev.Yuki's Dharma message and chant with everyone else! ) , you can subscribe to our Youtube Channel and Facebook pages, and last but not least, you can always contact the Sangha through phone calls, e-mails and letters! Please stay connected!

Our April Newsletter is up on our Newsletter page. Please check it out for the current information and messages from OBT. Let's stay connected!

Rev.Yuki preparing for the virtual Sunday service.


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