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A Message from OBWA Co-Presidents:

Thank You Grandmother

September 2018


Create An Endless Ripple was the theme of the 45th Conference of the Federation of Buddhist Women’s Association held in Visalia, CA on September 14-16, 2018. Approximately two hundred delegates from around the country were in attendance. Etsu Osaki, Pat Hokama and Katie Tamiyasu represented the Oregon Buddhist Temple.


The theme “Endless Ripple” was reinforced by guest ministers and panelists who provided incentive to practice and further Shinran’s teachings. Rev. Bob Oshita’s assignment as chaplain of the California State Assembly in Sacramento, Bishop Umezu’s sharing of personal challenges, and BCA president, Rick Stambul’s BCA forecast were moving speeches to that effect.


Workshop topics addressed concerns of the diminishing BWA membership and also how to get participation of the younger generation. This appears to be the consensus everywhere.


The hospitality extended by the Central CA BWA was from the opening of the conference to its conclusion, exceptional. We are grateful for the chance to exchange friendships with the Federation of Buddhist Women.

Throughout the FBWA Conference in Visalia, the concern of funding the upcoming World BWA Convention was in the minds of all in attendance.


The 16th World Buddhist Women’s Convention will be held August 30th thru September 1st, 2019 in San Francisco, CA. The first World Buddhist Women’s Convention was held in Kyoto, Japan in 1961. The expected attendance is predicted at 1000 to 1600 representatives. It was reported that this convention may cost around $300K. Fund raising events have been going on at many of the temples in the Bay area already to defray expenses. A beautiful new Monto Shikisho (okesa) was designed and made in Kyoto, Japan especially for the 2019 World BWA Convention.


It is a beautiful Egyptian Blue color background depicting bay bridges and orange flowers with an orange tassel. You will see some of the ladies already wearing them during services.


Arigato Obaachan (Thank You Grandmother) Let us honor and say thank you to our grandmothers, mothers, aunties and other female relatives by making a donation in their names in support of the 2019 World Buddhist Women’s Convention in San Francisco, CA. The Donation Form is on a separate page.

The Oregon Buddhist Women’s Association is hoping to have a group of members attend the World BWA Convention in San Francisco in 2019. Please let Pat Hokama or Katie Tamiyasu know if you are interested. This is a great opportunity to attend a World Convention, especially since it is so close to us.


In Gassho,

Co-Presidents: Pat Hokama and Katie Tamiyasu

Click to Print Out

the Donation Form

Click to Print Out

the Info Packet

for 2019 BWA Convention


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